Career Coaching

The world has changed...

Our skills are becoming obsolete and new programs, and new software is replacing the human face at work, you constantly hear about companies closing down, retrenchment, and salary increases not keeping up with the cost of living.

In this complex world, you must take charge of your career, and not just place it in the hands of an organization. 

If you feel that you:

We offer a 7-week solution-based programme (individual or group based) that empowers professionals by helping them make informed decisions about their careers by establishing realistic goals, discovering solutions to challenges you’re up against, developing action plans, building self-confidence, and instilling motivation to take action.  

Ready to discover what`s holding you back?

Although there may be some overlap in the benefits of working with a life coach and participating in psychotherapy with a licensed therapist, these professionals have distinct roles and serve unique purposes. Unlike life coaches, therapists and other mental health professionals focus on healing, treating mental health conditions, and helping people work through trauma and other issues from their past.

Start living to your fullest today!

One of the main benefits of working with a life coach is the ability to gain a fresh, informed perspective on problems that you face. In addition to offering new insight into challenges, a life coach can help you to zero in on negative patterns that could be standing in the way of your success.

You deserve to live an extraordinary life. And an extraordinary life begins with taking care of yourself. Knowing that you deserve compassion, love or whatever you call it.


Done is better than perfect, and if you find yourself always stuck on perfectionism, you may find yourself there for a very long time. Allow "done" to be your new normal. Focus on the main goal when your perfectionism is starting to kick in. Done is simply your entry point to success, and you may find out how much you can actually accomplish.

Frequently Asked

A career coach specialises in assisting you to achieve your professional and personal career goals. The career coach will use 1-on-1 or group sessions to help you to identify and reach your greatest potential in life.  A professional coach can offer a variety of tools and techniques, such as personality and career assessments, while providing an objective perspective about your context and challenges.   

In the career coaching I do with my clients, I focus on obtaining clarity for your career vision, personal mastery over limiting mind-sets and building the skills to navigate your career. My coaching approach is informed by my professional business experiences in human resources development and talent management, my different coaching modalities and certifications and my personal experiences of reinventing my own life.

In Life coaching the focus is on the whole person, the person in relation to themselves, their relationships with others, their social and economic context and challenges. In career coaching the focus is on the client’s career, the organization and the role that they fulfil in that organization and the challenges and opportunities within the career context.

Although there is distinctive focus in life and career coaching, and clients choose a career coach because of the specialization in career development, the career coaching process also focus on areas of life coaching as the person values, beliefs relationships, etc. have an impact on their career and career cannot be isolated from the rest of the client’s life. 

Coaching can work for any person that is open to have their behavior, views and ideas examined in an objective process where the focus is on understanding the behavior/patterns/views and the reasons for the behavior/patterns/views and to learn from and develop news behavior/patterns/views.

 Coaching will also work for any person that is willing to try and implement new and different actions and is willing to take some calculated risk in implementing new thinking and behavior. 

After a coaching session the clients must evaluate whether they have learned something new about themselves or have gained increased clarity on their situation and this should be progressive process from the start to the end of the coaching process. Coaching can have AHA moments and insight, or it can be a progressive process. The clients must feel that they are gaining new awareness about themselves, learn new skills that enable changed behavior and create new and different results in their lives.

The coaching process will focus on three processes: data gathering, Objective setting and Implementation and Review.

Data gathering: 

What the clients want to achieve in their career, their current and past challenges in their job/position and their career vision and what the gaps are

Career and life alignment with regards to  clients career vision, their life vision, values and life purpose

The clients mindset and career and life beliefs and rules and any limiting beliefs to identify barriers, frustrations and areas where the client feel stuck

Objective setting

The focus of the Objective setting will be to develop a comprehensive career visions and to develop a plan of action with clear and measurable goals to achieve the career vision

Implementation and Review 

During this phase the focus will be to implement the career plan and review the progress weekly against the objectives and implement course correction activities to help the client obtain their career objectives.  At the end of each session, we will talk through next steps and actions to keep you moving forward between sessions.

At the conclusion of our work together, we’ll recap our progress & identify how you can best leverage what you’ve learned as you move onward in life

Career development is an intensive process of understanding the clients goals and objectives and developing appropriate career plans and impending the plans.

 There are typically two timelines for career coaching

  • A short intensive process that only focuses on obtaining clarity in the career vision and developing an action plan that the clients will follow on their own. This typically will be a 3-session process.
  • A more intensive career skills development process where the focus will be on building the career development skills (this includes the development of a 
  • career vision, a plan to implement the career vision and also the development of career skills like identification and building the right relationships, communication skills, job interviews skills, juba applications, etc). This will typically be a 12-session process.

Clients are in control of the duration of the sessions and the coach will make suggestions, but the clients have a responsibility to let their coaches know when they feel their time is complete. Clients should get tremendous value from every single session and the moment that’s not the case, the clients always have the freedom to stop.

The client has to terminate coaching at any time during the coaching period. 

It is helpful for the client as well as the coach to have a final coaching session to review the coaching objectives and goals, the process of working together and outcomes achieved.

 The review session is beneficial for the coaches as it provides closure and   also helps the client to discuss any further needs and or suggestions. If the client is unhappy with the coaching process it allows the coach to provide an explanation but also helps the client to discuss their unhappiness and find resolutions.

Ready To Achieve
Your Goals?

Get in touch today for a free consultation and let’s discuss your road to life success